Doing business in Europe can be extremely difficult,it has nothing to do with supply and demand but because of extreme bureaucracy.A small bushiness owner that has only one small restaurant have to pay the same tax ass one with 100 employs,but the tax code changes according to the country you live in.Than there is three main different currency you have to consider. All of this does not affect a small business,but the paper work,and the ever chancing rules for cab,restaurant, construction,and other small company's effects them very negative.I was in Denmark 2 months ago,in a cab the diver and i start talking about what business was like.He owned his own cab and you would not belive the expenses he had.He was making about 20 000 dollars every month,but by the time he paid all of his bills and also to accounting to do all the paper work he had only 2500 dollars left.That sounds maybe a lot,but trust me in a country that is so expensive ass it is in Denmark,2500 dollars is what you...